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A ScreenCapture Session Recording : This bitch makes me drive to Sloan Lake to pick her up - she is not even around town.


James Driskill

3:20 PM (5 minutes ago)
to Joshua, Rick.Riddle.963
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I don't care what you think or what you believe, you are not being very kind to me.

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This is the video that is attached the Google+ share.  It basically describes a continuing ongoing harassment of people trying to connect with me and time and time again not showing up and in this case making me do things way outside of normal.

I drove out to Sloan's Lake to pick this person up -- and the person is FAKE -- the TrueCaller App finds her true identity.  This is a TRUE and REAL account of an SMS conversation chat on my phone device.

I WILL IN FACT RECORD SUCH A VIDEO on the sms chat of Sammie and the various other shit things you laid into my view.

Please watch this video -- it does show one very disorienting and confusing thing of my mental mindset when I am this fucking upset.

you all give me no recourse but to put this video file into the folder directory on -- for I have no idea if in fact this is YOU ALL who have been doing this to me. 

Perhaps you should watch the video and see what fucked up shit I have been dealing with, for in fact, it is not you.  You will get a clue to what fucked up shit time and time and time -- gives me no solace to give you any wiggle room excuses to continue to mind fuck me again and again.  BULL FUCKING SHIT  You figure it out.